Friday, March 26, 2010


Beachin' it up, Jessie and Coopy style.

So basically, we had a pretty fantastic day.
-got attacked by seagulls and ate far too much.
Can't wait for our next beach trip! :)

Those Little Moments

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bourke Street is the Place to Busk

The Wishing Well, they play some really great stuff. I loved it. They have great style too so this made it fun to watch as well as listen to.

Couldn't help myself, I bought their CD..

I'm pretty happy, they're pretty great! Hopefully going to watch them play on the 8th of May, although I'm not quite sure how to get to the venue, haha. Google maps for sure :)
Anywho, a few snaps I took. I really like the first shot.

and I lovee this shot, however the arm is a tad blurry. Oh well, can't be fixed now.

Check them out, well worth it :

Saturday, March 20, 2010

'Where there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see.''

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Beauty in the Streets.

Another interesting day.
Finally back to class today after the flood damage on South Bank last week. Had a 1 hour and a half lecture on aperture, shutter speed, panning, etc. Was very informative, and gave me some new ideas and effects to try out.
Since classes ended so early, I didn't fancy the idea of heading straight home, when I was likely to just waste the day away in bed, whereas I could find something productive to do in the city.
So, went to look at some Macs. Druel. Can't wait to get one!
Then, went for a wander around the streets, not expecting to find anything of great interest. It appeared to be a fairly average day. But then, on an average day in Melbourne City, you never know what you might come across.

I headed down Bourke Street, knowing fair well that there was likely to be buskers here that I could photograph. I came across an elderly man playing a trumpet. He was so friendly, asked if I was a musician. I told him I used to be, but that I had given it up. He asked why I had given it up, and I held up my camera. Now I photograph the musicians, I said. He then asked if it was a hobby, or if I am making income. I told him it was an intended career, and that I was working on it.
After he posed for a couple of shots (haha, pro) I gave him some of the coinage in my wallet, complimented his music, and moved on to the other interesting people in Bourke Street.
Next I came across a homeless man who drew pictures and sold them. He had an extremely beautiful yet simple painting of blue flowers. I loved it. This however was $25, and I didn't have that on me, or I would have bought it without hesitation. I admit, that once I realised I didn't have it on me, I was about to ask him if he took Eftpos. The Crack Fox episode of the Boosh appears to be stuck in my head.
So, I couldn't get the picture I wanted, but couldn't walk away from him now. So I bought a picture of a dog that he had drawn; it wasn't nearly as good, but I it made my day just that little bit brighter knowing that perhaps I did the same for him. I intend to hang that picture on my wall.

Next I came across a man tap dancing on a piece of board. He was getting right into it, and was covered in sweat from hours of dancing. I sat at the steps and photographed him for a while, and soon noticed this strange couple calling out things to him, nothing mean, just strange things.

The female was clearly mentally impaired. She would pull faces at the people who walked past, and make weird movements. Her legs and underarms were unshaven and her eyes would dart in different directions. The man she was with started making conversation with me, telling me that not hours before she had an assult charge because she was dancing next to the tap dancer, trying to help him get some money. And apparently a fight broke out with a lady walking by. I didn't mind the conversation, it's interesting hearing the different stories on the streets. However, as this man kept talking to me about photography and how cameras work, the lady started dancing again. And it was beautiful. You would think he would know that I wanted to photograph her, not minutes before he had said, 'to make it as a photographer, you have to have an eye for the strange things in life.' And here was this extremely strange lady, dancing through the crowds. But he just wouldn't get out of my face. I did ask him, and he kindly moved aside and started dancing behind her, haha.

Once she noticed me with the camera, she smiled. I'd like to think that I made her feel better about herself, or special for what she was doing. While everyone else on the streets raised their eyebrows at the lady with the unshaven legs, scraggly hair and baggy clothes dancing on the steps on Bourke Street, I photographed her. Now a person who might otherwise be forgotten due to her state of mind, is immortalised in my work.
These are the moments and the feelings I photograph for.

I just want to lay in a meadow and read for hours on end. With cool air, and flowers. So I can walk into nowhere. And lay and stare at the clouds. And think. I just want space to think.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Work from the Past.

Urana- Lavington


Tunnel reflections- Lavington

Sunset on Pearsall- Lavington



Abandoned- Albury

Homeward bound.

I'm pretty happy. Yes?

Can't think of an interesting title.

I felt so good about myself today. There seemed to be so much love in Melbourne. That's not normal.
On my way back to Burwood on the tram, there was this little lady who got her suitcases stuck in the I helped her out.
My good deed for the day. And it is very satisfying.
And the love just kept pouring out. Two people at the MetCard machine didn't have the correct change, so others were putting in coinage so that they could buy their card.
I'd like to think that my little gesture of kindness rubbed off on the rest of the tram :)


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I love getting letters from my Nan.
Handwritten letters are the best.
But what's funny, is when Nan talks about guys being 'hotties' or that she'll have to 'check them out' AHAHAHA!

I love my Nannio.
That is all.


I am in desperate need of inspiration, and most of all, motivation.
I have a massive uni assessment to get done, but have absolutely no ideas of what to photograph. Hell, I don't even understand a couple of the topics.
I have two photographs ready, not quite sure how to explain why I had to take these particular photographs, but I'll show you anyway...

Matt has been in a fair few of my photos of late. I am particularly proud of this one; turned out much more effective than our previous smoking shot. And the cropping is much more effective like this than if I were to show Matt's entire face. Tones, I love. I adjusted the colour curves on Photoshop.

Okay, so with this photograph, it's all about the diagonal/vertical-ish line. I was just lucky enough that someone with a funky umbrella walked past at the time I was taking it, and that it was raining, making the beautiful light reflection on the cement. Rain infact does make everything more beautiful. There's nothing better than a photoshoot in the rain. So as soon as the storms set in, I'm off with my camera :)
The random umbrella really made the shot.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lomolitos Love

Was exploring the NGV's novelty shop on my last visit there, and discovered these funky cameras...they caught my eyes, clearly because they looked like THIS

Yeah, I know. AWESOME.
So I bought one, naturally..

However, these types looked quite I opted for the disposable version..which, to my dismay, looked like THIS

So, the deal is... these cameras are for spontaneous shooting...for those who just want to go snap-happy. The colours often turn out over-saturated, or the film grain goes crazy on yo ass.
Which is fun! And to top it off, this particular disposable lomolitos camera has a GREEN FLASH.
Sounds snazzy, huh?

That is until the guy at Rabbit Photos informs me as I'm getting my photos developed that I could have quite easily, and for less than the $30 this camera cost me, placed some green cellophane- or whatever colour rocks my boat- over the top of the lens. And voila!
But then, perhaps the effects wouldn't have been the same...
But I don't know, I'm no pro at lomography...but I did get a pretty snazzy shot out of it that I'm quite intrigued by...

Ahhh sacre bleu! Nice moment. Nice light reflection on the road. Very happy.
However, very disappointed, as there was one particular photo that I was PUMPED about getting developed.
After leaving the NGV, a massive storm broke out in Melbourne, and there were heaps of people waiting under the shelter of the gallery for the rain to subdue...except for this one guy; with feathers in his hair.
He sat just where the rain ended, crossed his legs, and started meditating. It was for lack of a better word, beautiful.
And I was so happy with myself at that precise moment, for buying the camera, and for being there to witness such a random moment of beauty among the chaos of the city.
I photographed him with my lomography camera.
And out of all 27 shots that come on that camera, the photograph of the feathered man meditating in the Melbourne City rain is the only shot that didn't turn out.
I was cut. Deep. I hated the rest of the photos at that moment. I hated lomography. I hated the man in Rabbit Photos. (Although he was extremely good looking, friendly AND a photographer) It was just my disappointment coming through.
Maybe one day I'll witness another beautiful moment like that, and this time, I'll have my DSLR one me.
OH! Forgot to mention.
The colours did not turn out green in anyway...
Considering there was a green flash, I thought perhaps even a tinge of green? But no, I thought wrong.

What a great freakin' day

Indian dinner turned into Italian dinner- much sexier. Although slightly creepy....As I was walking down Lygon St in search of my Uncle, who said he would be waiting out the front of the resteraunt for me; two Italians approached me...
Italian: 'Come inside.
'Me: 'What?'
Italian: 'They're waiting for you.
'Me: 'What, who?'
Italian: 'Your friends...'
At this stage, of course I was thinking I was about to encounter the Italian mafia... I spent far too much time watching The Sopranos over the past year to not be suspicious...
So I snuck my head around the corner slowly, to take a peek inside at these said 'friends' (and no, the idea that my Aunty and Uncle were these friends did not cross my mind... After all, my Uncle had told me not 3 minutes ago on the phone that he would be waiting for me. Lies lies from tiny eyes.)
But sure enough, when I looked into the resteraunt, I saw my Aunty and Uncle waving geekily at me. Made me smile instantly actually. Turns out they couldn't be bothered waiting outside for me, so they told the guys at the door to keep an eye out for me.And then I got snuggles from my beautiful 6 month old Goddaughter. She's such a muncho.
And yes, I know you're all wondering... The Italians were sexy. And the food was amazing. As was the wine.
I laughed so hard tonight. Actually regurgitated my Alfredo back into my half-eaten bowl of food. Nice.

Monday, March 8, 2010

'I was alone, falling free, trying my best not to forget. What happened to us, what happened to me, what happened as I let it slip. I was confused by the powers that be. Forgetting names and faces. Passers by were looking at me, as if I could erase it.

Baby, did you forget to take your meds?' -Meds


Flood damage at PSC

...The massive storm that hit Melbourne the other day has resulted in no class for the week!
Excitement, due to the fact that I now have more time to work on some of the assignments I have going.
Disappointment, because I do actually enjoy going to class. And now my routine will be broken...which I had only just gotten into the habit of!!
But yes, more time...
And possibly an Albury/Wodonga visit towards the end of the week.
The girls and I are thinking about going for a picnic on Friday. Should be a lot of fun.
I literally cannot wait to see them all again.


Pieter Ten Hoopen. 'Aftermath of an Earthquake. Pakistan.'
-One day I will be as skilled with a camera as him. And I will create images that are nearly as beautiful and as moving as the people and moments infront of my lens.
He is what I aspire to be.

A Collection of Photos Passed.

A few images from the times passed that I thought I would share with you all.
So that you are more up to date with my work...

Phone photos.

-Lav Rat.

For the first few months that I lived in Lavington, I would take a photograph of the sunrise on my phone every morning as I walked to the bus stop. They seemed to be so perfect for those first few months. This is the nicest one from the shots I took. I stopped after a while; the sun didn’t seem to shine so perfectly anymore.

Now, this is an old photo! Taken on my camera phone, not even sure where. But I adjusted it slightly on Picasa, with film grain and contrast and got this. I really quite like it! No?

The Cards Experimental Shoot.

I have this amazing image in my head. But I'm not sure how to explain it, or create it.
All I can say is it involves the four playing cards suites; hearts, spades, diamond and clubs.
When I have gained enough kills to create this image, I will. And I'll be sure to show you... whoever you are.

So, to do something productive rather than merely sitting and wishing I could create the image in my head, I decided to do an experimental shoot with a couple of friends. Who by the way, are the greatest for putting up with my relentless nagging to get them to model for me!

Sam actually helped a lot with the ideas for this. We pretty much went with what we had, and Sam just happened to have this amazing Moulin Rouge styled corset...

I used the diamond suite in this, for experimental purposes. Although I don't use the card suites throughout all my photos.

I am so happy with how the lighting turned out with these photos. And the warmth of them all

I used photoshop to remove minor blemishes, adjust lighting and contrast. And added some warmth. Which I found was much more effective.

Michelle was a great model. Although she spent a great deal of the time sneaking a peek at the TV, because we had Moulin Rouge playing in the room...But all in all, Sam and Michelle did a great job :)

Lyrical Perfection

‘Like the naked leads the blind, I know I’m selfish, I’m unkind. Sucker love I always find, someone to bruise and leave behind…’

-Brian Molko, are some form of a God.

Molko is pretty darn sexy. I would love to photograph him ;-)

‘Time to pass you to the test, hanging on my lover’s breath. Always coming second best, pictures of my lover’s chest.’


Lately, I have been trying to determine exactly what it is about photography that I find so interesting, or why it has managed to hold my interest for so long.
Usually, I am the type of person who gains an interest and just as quickly moves on to a new one. But I haven't wavered from photography yet; it's managed to keep me holding on.
It feels good, to have something that I can call my own. Something I can be known for.
It makes me happy.
I think it's the never-ending possibilities, and the effects that photographs can have on someone that gets me.
- I find the ability to capture or create a moment moving.

I've always been interested in the creative arts.
The strongest memories from my childhood are those of my Mother painting, drawing... It was her passion that I remember the most. And growing up with a mother as artistically passionate as her, it's hard not to have some kind of creative flair.
Except my creativity lies with photography. I kind of fail with a pencil and a paintbrush.

So, outlet for creativity.

Let's do this

Okay, first post.
Perhaps an introduction is in order?

I'm Jessie, and at the moment university is pretty much my life.
For the next three years I will be studying at The Photography Studies College.
I want to be a photo-journalist, but at this stage any career in photography is appealing to me.

I'm 18, and have just recently relocated from Albury/Wodonga to the city- especially for my studies.
I am living the life I have always wanted to in Melbourne. And on top of that, I am bettering myself at something I love.
I have always had some deep love, desire or fascination with city life. The acceptance of differing styles and ways of life seems to be greater tolerated in the big smoke.
And the city is oh so much more photogenic than the country.

There's something artistic about a rundown urban landscape...something beautiful about the rebellious tags splashed across the buildings...something surreal about the rugged busker strumming his guitar or playing his harmonica.
I love it. I am not a busker, or a graffiti artist. I do not wear 'out there' clothes or fit into any of the scenes that are floating around today. I am just me.
You could say I’m boring in comparison to all the others, with their big personalities and their overt creativity. But yet, the city and all of the above aspects excite me. And I am not even one of the interesting aspects of it. I am an observer, a spectator. I watch as they walk past, I photograph their individuality. They are my subjects. They bring the colour to my photographs. The city is just another of my canvas’

Well, as for blogging; I guess I will update with photographs, or whenever Interesting shows it's face in my life.